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I Can Breathe


*Apologies* for being MIA for so long! School's been kicking my ass and by posting, I think it means the tables have turned! But I wanted to express my love for spring with pastels in the most cliche way possible. Recently, I've been trying to adjust to le boyfriend fit trends that have been blossoming this season, and honestly, I love it on everyone else but me! To avoid looking like I'm lost in a sea of clothes 1000 sizes larger, (which is a trend of shorts down to the ankles and long white t-shirts to the knees that I thought had died out) I've been trying to experiment with dressing down while still looking dressed up by trying to get on that overall game. A pair will make styling on the go much more~effortless~, meaning I need an armload of pairs that are several different shades of denim. Excuse my abnormal usage of punctuation. I need tea.