Breaking the Stigma: On Being a Greek Fashion Blogger
I never shared anything about being in a sorority because I didn't think people were interested in it or because they assumed I was what he media portrayed Greeks to be.
The media never highlights the
good that we do:
That we transform women and men into people of
substance, character and influence as quoted by my organization's creed, or the amount of money we raise for our philantrophies or how we visit elementary schools to tutor and read to kids, build homes for veterans or participate in Breast Cancer walks.
I once did a social experiment where I put my Greek letters in my bio and actually
lost followers because my character was automatically assumed based off of that label.
It really goes to show how it takes only one person to stain the image for others and generations to come. One person's actions don't define that of others.
For the longest, I never talked about my sorority because I didn't want people to continue to assume who I am from a label. I don't considerate it a label or being branded for life.
proudly represent Phi Sigma Sigma and can say that being surronded by women who constantly strive to aim high and being grounded by a lifelong support system that sees potential in me every day has made me grow into the woman I always aspired to be.
Now that I'm incorporating as much of my lifestyle possible, (being a jack-of-all-trades outside of my blogging life) I can't leave sorority out of that. It has played a huge role in who I am today and how far I've come in my career.
For all of those who are having doubts about Greek life, I hope that I've expelled them all.
Having the influence that I do, I'm using my blog as a platform to bridge the two worlds together. Not many fashion bloggers are Greek and it's a topic that is really difficult to talk about at events seeing that so many bloggers have really solidified their opinion against being Greek.
If you do decide to rush, come with an open mind.
Every chapter is different from the next and join for the right reasons, which is because you fully support and exemplify the organization's values and philantrophy.
I know my entire campus is strict against hazing because it IS illegal but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist elsewhere. Not everyone hazes and being Greek doesn't mean you're paying for friends either. Think of it as investing in a lifelong beneficial experience.
I know that going Greek isn't for everyone but don't knock it until you've tried it.
Photography by Justin Quebral