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Your Questions Answered

You asked, I answered.

@avsthtc asked: Cavs or GSW and why?
Justin Beiber or JQ?
Dubnation, of course! Biased answer because I was born in the bay but I have to say I love the chemistry this team has. They're such underdogs and are so unpredictable. They've accomplished so much and just continue to wow me with each feat.
I mean, you can't hate them for breaking a record or two (by the second record, I'm talking about Thompson), or for their turn around in game seven when they were three and one with OKC.
I'm not here for the bandwagon, although I did start paying attention to them last year when they were on their journey to the finals, mostly because of my dad. I just genuinely admire their work ethic, their perseverance and teamwork.
Also, JQ over any Justin.


@nateclphoto asked: How did you and Justin meet?


Interestingly enough, we were talking to each other via Tumblr when we were 15. He got a girlfriend and we just unfollowed each other from there on. Five years later, I was trying to grow Polydeux and was constantly searching for the right photographer until I discovered his work on the explore page on Instagram.
We started shooting and a couple months later he proposed becoming business partners. Four months after that, we started spending more time together. He found one of my very first pictures on Instagram, which was also my default on Tumblr and said he recognized it. We connected the dots and did a lot of searching in our archives to confirm that we indeed were talking way back when!
We just didn't recognize each other until he mentioned something but it's funny how things come full circle. I think the universe was just waiting for the right time and at the end of the day, I still like to think we were meant to be. :)
@cry.me: Nike or Adidas? Why?
This is a hard question. I'd say Nike just because they're the Beyonce of the shoe game and my all-time dance shoe (for health reasons especially) has been Nike.
I do have to admit though that Adidas has been on Nike's tail in the past year or so since Kanye put the midas touch on them. I love both equally. I think I trust Nike more but fashion-wise, I choose Adidas.
(On the other hand, I'm so over the Superstars and Stan Smiths. There needs to be a new trend already. LOL. Sorrynotsorry. This is probably why I leaned towards Nike. Kanye shrug.)


@stefantienne asked: NYC - when?
When I'm not broke.
(but soon, hopefully)


@littlevictah asked: Favorite vacation spot?
Living on my own, I've really grown to appreciate the things I took for granted growing up, like my mom's cooking or not paying for laundry machines.
Independence is great and all but taking a few days off of adulting is even better.


@seymichelle asked: Tips for starting a blog?
Know your purpose. Know why you're doing it and stick to that the entire journey. That will carry you into areas you've never expected to be in.
Be passionate. This isn't something you can achieve or practice. You need to have this from the get-go. People will know if you are or not. Passion is the root of motivation, dedication and perseverance.
Explore and experiment. The beginning stages of your blog is the best part. This is where you get to build your foundation. This is where there's room for error; lots of it, because no one is really paying enough attention to care (yet). This is where you get to figure out what you like, what you don't and what your niche is. This is probably the part where you learn the most, not just about the blogging game, but yourself.
Most of all, have fun!
Blogging shouldn't be a chore and I'd say it shouldn't be stressful, but achieving your goals is never easy.


@imjaninipanini asked: What do you do to keep your blog going and growing despite your busy schedule?
To be honest, I don't run Polydeux myself.
I have a team of supporters and hard workers. I have my boyfriend, Justin, as you know, who is the backbone of this brand. He is my photographer, editor, creative director, stylist at times, and business partner.
We also have our assistant/intern, Stephanie, who manages the logistics, emails, and keeps our campaigns organized. She makes sure we're on top of things.
If it weren't for them, I don't think I would've made it through the year, especially during school.
More specifically, we hold meetings every week to organize our shoots and campaigns by creating deadlines for ourselves and creating set times.
So the secret is: teamwork, discipline and organization.


@_buddingphotographer asked: I've just discovered your blog and read your post, written the day after Valentine's Day, according to friends. Where have you shot then?
I believe the post you're talking about is this one and this was taken in Mexicali.

@jennsemble asked: What do you do when you get stressed out?

When I get stressed out, I do either of these things: dance/exercise, clean my room, do work until I'm no longer stressed out, or not do work at all until I'm not stressed out, vent, write everything out and break down what needs to get done and when, spend time with Justin, or eat. LOL.

@jennsemble and Chris Huitink asked:  What motivates you/keeps you going? / What drives you to keep pursuing your dreams?
I love this question. What motivates me is my friends, family, sorority sisters and Justin. Knowing that I can't disappoint them and knowing how much they believe in me keeps me from wanting to give up.
The ever-changing industry motivates me. There's always someone making a new trend as soon as the latest one steps foot into the world. There's always someone challenging the fashion industry. There's always someone grinding when I'm asleep. I can't sleep knowing that I could be making moves too.
You guys. My followers and everything they say to me, means everything to me. There is nothing more rewarding than hearing feedback, support and positive comments from you. Knowing that I impact you guys in some way, drives me to work even harder.
Lastly, what keeps me motivated is myself from the day before. I always want to be better than who I was yesterday. I want to keep raising the bar for myself. I'm always rediscovering my potential and that excites me, because I then realize that I can actually do what I never thought I could do.
Shoes via Public Desire / Pants via Romwe / Top via Zara
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Photography by  Justin Quebral