An Influencer's Influence: The Election Edit
Let your voice define you.
I've been wanting to write this blog post all week but haven't found the right words or mindset until now.
As influencers, this shouldn't have been the case. Throughout the past few months these candidates have been campaigning for, I rarely saw any bloggers voicing their opinions on what's happening with the world. I know it's a rule of thumb in social media land to always be positive when speaking to your audience but there's a time when we need to be real and that time already happened.
It wasn't until it was almost too late that the blogging community spoke out. Sometimes I wonder if it was because the election was a trending topic or if people were honestly opinionated about the change.
I feel like times like these really show which bloggers are the real deal versus the ones who are just here for the instant gratification for their face (and or body.) That says a lot.