Into The Mind, Body, and Spirit.


Sharing with you my mental, spiritual and physical health and wellness journey.


Recently, I've been on a health kick - not because it's trending and I aspire to be the next Blogilates, but because I promised myself I'd buckle down and work on myself after graduating.

During my college career (and even now), I was back and forth and never in one place for too long, making it difficult to create a routine no matter how many times I tried. Eventually, I started gaining weight due to effects of medicine I was taking to prevent another health issue.

This was the first time I gained weight. I had always been teeter-tottering between 98-100 lbs. Could never gain or lose weight but at this point, I had no control over what was happening with my body.


Now that I've graduated, I'm finally working on making changes to my body and to my life overall. However, you can't find solutions without identifying the problems.

Spiritually, I've been challenging my faith in God. Although I am Catholic, I've come to realize that one sole religion doesn't manifest my own values, morals and perspectives. I do.

Mentally, I've come to learn that I've developed a lack of self-love for myself. I'm always so hard on myself, which can be a good and bad thing. I never fully believe in the things I think, eventually causing me to be a very indecisive and doubtful individual.

Physically, I hate the way I used to eat. I would eat out almost every day and that wasn't very budget friendly. Now I've noticed (now that I'm on medication) how much my eating habits affected my skin and where it's gone (my butt, thighs and gut).


Now, I've been very eager to try different things, whether it be products, methods or habits. Better yet, Justin is all the more keen on joining me in these ventures and curiosities.

Quick quip: I've learned that the best way to add depth, dimension and personality in your brand is by exploring the things you're most curious about. People are also curious by these things too and will want to subconsciously join you on that journey.


Lately, we've been doing face masks routinely together, meditating with our stones, burning incense and saging each other's rooms.

Doing face masks a few times out of the week is our bonding and relaxing time (we do this with Justin's mom too!), and we feel clean and fresh-faced every time. Sephora's gotten expensive for us so we opt for the 'Buy 10, Get 10 Free' deal at the The Face Shop. (I wish I was sponsored saying this.)




Recently, we stopped by The House of Intuition as recommended by a friend where we picked up stones. Stones are literally what you think they are: stones, but they each have different properties and frequencies. Each stone has a different purpose - some may help you with mental health or internal health, etc. What you do with these stones is meditate with them based on the chakra point it's for, or hold one every morning depending on the frequencies you gravitate to. They're used as tools in helping you find solace internally based on what you need.

In choosing a stone (as there were A TON), we were instructed to walk around the store and feel it out; almost like choosing a wand. You wouldn't know why, but you'd gravitate towards a stone before reading what it does. A stone is supposed to be meant for you.

Funny enough, I chose Opalized White Agate - meant for the crown chakra. It's supposed to bring me mental peace, balance and stillness (I have a very loud mind) and it's supposed to teach me about nurture and love towards myself and those around me.

Justin chose a Bumble Bee Jasper - meant for the solar plexus chakra. For him, it was supposed to provide calmness, encourage a positive outlook on life and confidence in his actions. It helps with mood and anxiety as well as brings forth one's creative talents and supports him in persevering the things he desires most. Plus, it aids in abdominal problems and allergies (something Justin struggles with on a daily basis.)

While there, I also picked up sage, which is an herb used for meditating and clearing out negative energy. Think of it as a broom for cleaning out your closet. I burn it whenever my room feels stuffy energy-wise. (I advise you to burn it in a glass jar to keep it from dropping ashes around your space.)

With sage, you walk around your room while its burning. Around your doors and windows, trace the perimeters of their frames as most energy is stuck there but is trying to escape, creating congestion in your space. Incest isn't as powerful but we burn it more often just for regular spiritual cleansing.

My third-eye is wide open (it runs in my family but I seem to be more in tune with it compared to my other family members) so I am very energy sensitive.


As for what we've been eating and doing for exercise, we've made it a point to eat out once a week (which makes us look more forward to it as a reward) with the exception of tastings. This is so we save money, I get to experiment more with cooking and we get to control how our food is made and with what ingredients.

We've been limiting ourselves to one dessert a day (we are major sweet tooths) and replacing our rice (if we ever eat it) with cauliflower rice. We also drink corn tea and eat kimchi often, which helps with digestion (our weak spot) and can usually be found in Korean and sometimes Japanese markets. We also avoid whole milk and have been replacing our coffee with matcha to avoid the crash, stomach aches and for its antioxidants.

On top of that we avoid fast food unless it's a last resort, soda, and eating past 9 or 10 pm. We've also been eating until we're satisfied and have found we eat more often but smaller portions. All of this habitual practice requires discipline and with Justin involved, it makes both of us accountable.


Lastly, I've been doing yoga every Monday to start my week, kickboxing Tuesdays for a mix of cardio and strength building, pilates on Fridays for a more core-focused workout and Blogilates in between. I rotate between legs, abs, thighs and stretching videos.

I do admit, kickboxing and pilates are temporary ventures as the prices don't make sense in terms of my schedule. I'm currently trying out their deals which is limited to a few classes. I'm heartbroken because I genuinely love these workouts but I can't afford their memberships if I can only take one class a week.

In the meantime, I'll be exploring other programs or other methods to get the workout I'm looking for. I just can't handle a gym. It's too boring for me, but I do think aerial yoga might be my next exploration.

Ever since I've been going through these practices, I've felt more energetic, happier because of the release of these endorphins, and more productive. I feel excited about life because I feel better about myself. Although there are times where I still feel insecure, I am fuller and better because I feel progressive with my overall health.

It wouldn't hurt if you tried it too.


Skirt, shoes and dress via Zaful Spring Promotion / Purse via Melie Bianco

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Photography by Justin Quebral