Featuring Ben Keith from Ben's Bad Ass Alterations

On Ben: (Bleached sweater and painter shorts altered from Goodwill // Imitation chuckkas from Urban Outfitters)

Benjamin Keith, currently living in Culver City, is the man behind the handmade masterpieces of Ben's Bad Ass Alterations (@ben_jamin21), which is his line of thrifted pieces he altered himself; making each piece unique. The idea of the line was conceptualized when Ben started making gifts for his friends and family and eventually grew into what it is today. 

Ben describes his style as grunge and LA inspired. Plot twist: He dresses according to his own themes each day. (Pictured above, he dressed as a Disney dad going on a cruise.) His main fashion inspiration is Blake Lively because she styles herself despite the fact that she is showered with brand names. In the future, he plans on becoming a store manager at Urban Outfitters and having two kids.

For those who plan on starting their own line, Benjamin advises: "Try it and don't have expectations."