Skin Soft as Velvet

Velvet crop top via Urban Outfitters (Find similar here) / "Zara" skort via Tarte Vintage's Blogger Sale / Amethyst crystal via Katrina / Strappy heels via Reflections (Find similar here and here)

"That one Zara skirt everyone owns" -- Olivia Lopez

I recently fell for the Black Friday's-not-over sales at Urban and attended Tarte's Holiday Sample Bash. That's not what it's really called but I like the way it sounds; which, by the way, was smashing. Astronautrica plus Bambi plus celebrity named alcoholic drinks and cheap shopping is an A+ in my book.
I copped that Zara origami skort everyone hates for $9 and am forever in love with it because... pockets.

I paired it with this velvet crop top; possibly the best combination anyone could think of. It shows just the right amount of skin for these warm winter weeks. I love the deep v-neck that repeats itself throughout the outfit too. 

Can you say New Year's Eve ready? 

Ps. Remember how Polydeux had a Tumblr at one point? Then we didn't? Now I do again!