Yeezus, Yoncé, Yolydeux?

I've always emphasized the importance of having a focus, but just when I think I've found my own, I realize that there's still fat to trim.
With that being said, I've been on a strange inspiration trip: Kanye x Japanese influences included. This has been a guinea-pig of a risk.

My aesthetic has been centered around neutral tones and monochrome themes but I wanted more. I wanted to push Polydeux into a higher-end aesthetic, juxtaposed with inventive concepts.
Maybe you've seen my feed take a new creative direction.
I've always loved dramatic fashion. I love experimenting and pushing the boundaries of the human imagination but these were all things fashion blogging was not. 
By adding a layer of depth, I noticed a huge shift in my approach to the blogging realm become more aggressive and artsy. 

I struggled. I worried that what I was creating wasn't what others wanted or expected to see. I believed I was inconsistent in my consistency. I thought it was wrong, but then I realized it was a strange balance of contrasts that developed into the style Justin and I had always envisioned. 
I couldn't have a generally "light" feed and intense concepts without sacrificing one or the other.
So I had to make it work.

I'm traveling into this new realm and I'm bringing my epiphanies to life through this journey. I have a style that has evolved where minimalism meets conceptualism.
I'm deriving from the predictable blogger scene of standing in front of blank walls and hashtagging OOTD my life away.
It's strange.
I'm excited and uncomfortable but I truly believe this is where the most growth happens.
I suppose I've joined the club of artistic alter-egos and the emancipation of "Yolydeux" is laughably a great name, but not my forever vice. 
I want you to experiment,
answer your call to stretch your creativity,
and don't be afraid to take risks.

Photography by Justin Quebral